Nevada PASRR Screening Tool

Notice to User:

The Web Portal contains information which is intended only for the use of the individual or entity associated with the Nevada PASRR Screening Tool. Any unintended user is hereby notified that the information is privileged, trade secret and confidential, and any disclosure, reproduction or use of this information is prohibited.

The information collected in the Nevada PASRR Screening Tool is considered to be confidential personal health information. This data is considered sensitive and all necessary protections will be employed to keep the data secure and confidential. All screening organizations and respective employees are expected to uphold Nevada Division Of Health Care Financing and Policy (DHCFP) HIPAA guidelines and their own Agency HIPAA policies. Any breach in confidentiality needs to be reported to your respective organization HIPAA official. Please go to NV DHCFP for more details.

Please note your passwords will expire every 60 days. If your password has expired or is about to expire. You will need to visit the Nevada Provider Portal. Click here to change your Password.

If you have any problems resetting your password please contact the web portal helpdesk at 877-638-3472 option 2, option 0 and option 6